Shayne and I went to our first appointment yesterday. I can't even explain how amazing it was to hear our baby's heartbeat! It was so incredible! When the midwife first tried to listen she couldn't find it so, she had to get a better machine and then was able to find it. It had to have been the coolest experience of my life! After we heard the heartbeat we went and had the first ultrasound done. That was just as amazing...getting to actually see our baby!! Like I said I can't even explain it! Here are a couple of pictures they gave me to take home...I labeled all the parts..my scanner isn't the greatest but, you get the idea. God is blessing us so much allowing us to go through this experience. We are still so excited and can't wait for what is to come. The midwife said that everything looks awesome! I am right where I should be. I am 12 weeks tomorrow!!!!