Can I just say that braxton hicks are really annoying!
Yesterday, I started having them at about noon and they didn't go away completely until about 10pm last night. At first I figured they were just braxton hicks but, when they lasted for so long I kinda got a little nervous. They were mostly in my lower back, and from what I have read and have been told braxton hicks are usually in your lower abdomen not in your back. I had no idea what braxton hicks were supposed to feel like or even what labor is supposed to feel like...this is a whole new experience for me! I thought maybe I was going into early labor..which made me just a tad bit more nervous because I am only 24 weeks!!
Thank goodness for the Group Health Nurse line you can call. I called them and the RN asked me a bunch of questions. I thought she would just give me an answer on what I should do but, she said she had to call the midwifes and then call me back. That made me even more nervous! When she finally called me back (It seemed like forever but, really probably only about 10 minutes.) She said that the midwifes doubted it was actual labor. They told me to just take it easy and get lots of rest, drink lots of fluids, take some tylenol and put a heating pad on my lower back. And if it did continue then to call back.
They finally went away at about 10 last night. They got a whole lot better after I had taken the tylenol. And I feel completely fine this morning. I'm hoping that I don't continue to get them that bad through out the rest of my pregnancy but, I guess we will see. But, in the end it will be worth it when we finally get to hold little miss Ellee in our arms!! :)
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