Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ellee 365: day 75

75 days old.


Today we went and visited Ellee's cousin Nadya.  It was amazing to see how much she has grown since she was born!!  They are only 16 days apart.  She is such a cutie!  Click on the link below to see Miss Nadya & Miss Ellee!


Friday, September 25, 2009

playdate with Lily!!

Ellee had her first playdate today. :)  Lily is just 5 days younger than Miss Ellee!  Lily's mom Amanda is a friend from high school.  It's so nice to have someone to compare notes with!  Especially since Ellee and Lily are so close in age!!

taking a short snooze.

saying goodbye

Ellee 365: day 73

73 days old.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ellee 365: day 70

Ellee is 10 weeks old today.  She is definitely changing!  She is getting really good at holding her head up.  Today she decided she didn't really want to nap.  I'm hoping that will help her sleep better tonight.  She hasn't wanted to sleep very well in the last couple of weeks.

70 days old.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ellee 365: days 63 - 69

63 days old.

64 days old.

65 days old.

66 days old.

67 days old.

68 days old.

69 days old.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Our little Seahawk's fan!

I meant to post this yesterday.  Daddy thought that Miss Ellee needed a cheerleading outfit!  I think the Seahawks won yesterday only because Miss Ellee was cheering for them!! :)

Ellee 365: 56 - 62 days old.

56 days old.
57 days old.
58 days old.
59 days old.
60 days old.
61 days old.
62 days old.

2 months old today!!!

Wow is time flying!!  I can't believe Miss Ellee is 2 months old today!! 
She has changed so much in the last month.  She is looking more like a baby rather than a newborn. 
I'm so excited to see even more changes in the next month!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

doin' the puyallup!

Yesterday we went to the Puyallup Fair.  Ellee actually stayed pretty happy through out the whole thing!  Her favorite thing at the fair was all the bright lights..she wanted us to carry her so that she could see them.
Here are a few snap shots...
On our way out the door.
Trying on sunglasses.
Meeting the Draft Horses.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Labor Day "Camping"

For the past 3 years Shayne and I have gone to the Toutle River to camp for Labor Day weekend with his family. Our version of camping this year was to stay in a nearby hotel. We weren’t about to try out the newborn tenting. We don’t own a camping trailer so a hotel was our best option. And we are so glad that we rented the hotel…we had a ton of fun hanging out during the day at the river with family! It rained pretty much the whole time but, we still had a lot of fun playing games and hanging out near the fire when the rain did decide to let up. All in all it was a good weekend! Click below to see our pictures!

Toutle River "Camping"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

2 month check-up.

Yesterday Ellee had her 2 month wellness Exam.  The pediatrician said she looks very healthy!!  She now weighs 10 pounds 1 ounce.  I was so surprised because she doesn't feel like 10 pounds.  She is also now 22 inches long.  She is really growing like a weed!! :)
They also had to give her first set of about emotional for both of us!  They gave her 3 shots..2 in one thigh and 1 in the other.  I have never heard her cry so hard.  I couldn't even watch them poke her I felt so bad!  At least she won't remember them!  Poor baby!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ellee 365: 49, 50, 51 & 52 days old

49 days old.
50 days old.
51 days old.
52 days old.

look at me!!

This last week we have noticed that Miss Ellee has started holding her head up for longer periods of time.  She is also a lot more aware of what is going on around her.  When she is laying on the floor she looks all around instead of just staring at one spot.  She has also started to follow sounds and voices.  I think she knows who Mommy and Daddy are!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009