Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ellee 365: days 252 - 258

252 days old.
253 days old.
254 days old.
255 days old.
256 days old.
257 days old.
258 days old.

Monday, March 29, 2010

cabo the horse

My friend Anni from highschool has a horse barn in our area where she trains horses and gives riding lessons.  Friday I went with Ellee and my friend Mary to visit her and her horses.  When we got there Cabo the horse was being tacked up to ride.  Cabo is a very friendly horse.  He just stood there patiently while Ellee stuck her hand out to pet him.  She didn't seem to be scared of him at all!  Later we watch Anni work him out over some jumps.  Ellee looked so fascinated by Cabo and how he moved around the arena.  It was so fun and makes me miss having a horse!  Maybe someday Ellee will want a horse of her own! :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dino Day.

This month at Sprouts the theme was Dino Day.  It is getting more and more fun to take Ellee to Sprouts...she is starting to move around and  interact more with the other kids...Next month she may be crawling! 
Sprouts always has fun things to go along with their theme for the month.  They have a fun book, craft and this month they had dinosaurs!  Ellee had fun trying to play with them!

Ellee 365: days 245 - 251

245 days old.
246 days old.
247 days old.
248 days old.
249 day sold.
250 days old.
251 days old.

Friday, March 26, 2010

daycare fun.

Okay, so technically Ellee isn't in daycare.  But, she does go to Grandma Katie's every Monday.  Her Grandma Katie has an in-home daycare.  Ellee loves going to see her Grandma! And she loves to play with the other kids and Chewy (Grandpa & Grandma's dog).  I'm so thankful that we are able to keep Ellee out of public daycare and that she gets to spend every Monday with her Grandma!

"Throw the toy for me Ellee!!"
Giving kisses!

Ellee 365: days 238 - 244

238 days old.
239 days old.
240 days old.
241 days old.
242 days old.
243 days old.
244 days old.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Ellee had her first friend stay the night on Friday!  Her cousin Miss Nadya came to stay with us for the night.  It was very interesting having 2 babies in the house!  We had a lot of fun!  It will be fun seeing Nadya and Ellee grow up together!  Here are some snapshots. : )

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

feeling better AND some new.

Last week was rough..... Ellee and I are finally feeling better... Totally NOT fair...the flu has seemed to skip over Shayne completely..both times!
Ellee was super crabby all week because she wasn't feeling well.  Night time was worse...she was waking up every 3 hours and not wanting to go back to sleep.  I thought I had a newborn in the house again.  By the time Friday rolled around we all were exausted!  We skipped her swim class Saturday because she was still coughing pretty bad.  I don't think the Y would have appreciated her coughing all over the place...not to mention her boogery nose! Ha! 
I'm really hoping we are DONE with this whole flu thing for this year!
Ellee is back to sleeping through the night...thank goodness!  And, I am hoping to get back to my half marathon training this week.  We will see how that goes.

In other news, Ellee has some new tricks up her sleeve!  She isn't crawling yet but, she is pushing herself backwards and rolling ALL over the place!  This evening I was watching her play with her toys and when one of them wasn't in her reach she would reach and reach..then scoot herself until she was able to grab it.  It was so cute to watch!  She is so close to crawling!
She is also trying to get herself down from the couch.  And she doesn't try it head first either!  She has figured out how to maneuver her way so her feet are dangling over the edge..then she pushes herself down.  She hasn't been able to quite stick the landing yet...she usually lands on her tush. It is pretty fun to watch : ) 
I still can't believe how much she has grown...and all the new things she has learned in the last 8 months.  It's just crazy!!!  I'm already starting to think about her 1st birthday party...it's only 4 months away!!!

Well, I'm off to bed....I will try and post Ellee 365 tomorrow...NIGHT! : )

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

NOT fun!

We had the worst night EVER last night!  Shortly after I had gone to sleep Ellee woke up with a fever and she did not want to go back to sleep.  She also has a congested cough...AGAIN!  We both just got over this a couple weeks ago.  I came down with it again last Tuesday...I'm finally feeling better and now she has it.  UGH!

Then, when she finished her morning bottle she threw the ENTIRE 6oz up into my lap...probably more!  YUCK!! 

Oh, and to top it all off...I'm pretty positive she is cutting her first tooth...it should be any day now!

I feel so bad for her..I hate seeing her sick...I'm trying my best to keep her hydrated and as comfortable as possible.  Tylenol, baby vicks, the humidifier and warm bathes are our friends!  Please pray for a quick recovery!

Ellee 365: days 231 - 237

231 days old.
232 days old.
233 days old.
234 days old.
235 days old.
236 days old.
237 days old.

SO hoops.

Today we went to Auntie Sarah's basketball game and awards banquet.  It was a fun game where they played against the local high school's boys basketball team.  It was so much fun watching her play.  She is really good!  She made about 90% of the shots she took!  I guess that arcade basketball game she got for Christmas is really paying off for practice! : )
I LOVE watching her play in her sports.  She is so dedicated and always has such a great attitude!  Not to mention she ALWAYS has fun!
The coaches gave out award certificates to all the players.  It was so nice to hear all the wonderful things they had to say about each and every player!  Most of the coaches are young adults and it is so amazing to me that they give their time to these kids with disabilities.  I can really see that they truly care about each and every player!

Check out the photos!

Going for it!
Nothing but net!! ( You can see the ball in the net!)
She shoots...and she scores!!!  AGAIN!!!
Her whole team.
Miss Ellee and her basketball star Auntie! : )

I just have to add...Auntie Sarah is so proud of her niece...It makes me smile how much she LOVES her!  She just had to show her off to all the players and their parents!! : )  LOVE it!!!

**SO stands for Special Olympics**

Monday, March 8, 2010

hope we get picked!

I entered a blog make-over contest at one of the sites where I get some of Ellee's blog backgrounds!  I would love to win...would be fun to have a professional header for Miss Ellee's blog!!

Check out My Style Backgrounds if you are interested in entering. : )

Sunday, March 7, 2010

goodbye mr. bink!

We have said goodbye to Ellee's binkies/pacifier/nuk...whatever you would like to call them.  It has been 5 days since she has had one.  The removal of the binkie was all decided one night when we couldn't find any of them ANYWHERE.  I said I was tired of having to keep track of them and buy new ones when they were lost... and it's not like she really needs it right!!?  So we said goodbye!  And we aren't looking back!! LOL! : )

She is doing just fine without it.  I think she actually sleeps better now that she doesn't have it because she isn't worried about it every time she wakes up.  She actually didn't really use it that much..she more just liked to hold it.  Half the time I would check on her and it would be in her hand rather than in her mouth.  I'm actually kind of relieved that we kicked that habit so early...I was kind of afraid we would have 2 year old walking around with a binkie...well not really...but, I am surprised that the habit was is kicked this early.

Sound asleep WITH OUT Mr. Bink! : )

Saturday, March 6, 2010

so sweet.

Since I have been sick this week I thought it would be best that I did not take Ellee to her swim class.  So, Shayne swam with her instead while I watched.  It was so sweet to see him play with her in the water!!  I LOVE how wonderful he is with her!! :)