Yesterday, Ellee had her 9 month well exam! Yes, I can't believe it either!! She will be 9 months tomorrow! I just keep thinking that these last 9 monthes have flown by!
Here are her current stats:
Weight: 17 lbs 8 oz - (28th percentile for her age)
Height: 26.75 inches - (25th percentile for her age)
Head Circumference: 44.5 cm - (17.52 inches) - (68th percentile for her age)
The visit went really well! She is right where she is supposed to be. She even demostrated her "talking" for the nurse. The nurse had asked if she was saying any repetitive words like mamama...or dadada... I told her that her favorite was dadada...and 2 seconds later Ellee repeats dadada! It was so funny...the nurse laughed and said Ellee got an A. : )
The appointment went pretty fast. We like those! The best part was NO SHOTS!!! I was really happy about that. I was told last time that she would be getting shots from there on out but, when they were looking at her records they said she was current on all and didn't need any more at this time. Thank goodness!!! : )
Ellee is getting so big and her personality is really starting to come through. It is so amazing how much they change from month to month!! I was looking back at what she was doing when she was 6 months. She went from barely sitting up on her own to putting herself in the sitting position, pulling her self up on things and crawling all over the place. She is also claps and does high fives! All this and more in just 3 short months! I wish she would slow down. LOL! : ) No, not really...we are enjoying every minute of her and all the new things she is learning!!