Yesterday, I took Miss El in for her 16 month well exam. She did awesome! Her pediatrician was so impressed on how well she handled his poking and prodding! She is such a good girl and he was so good with her. She is perfectly "normal" in every aspect. Here are her stats:
Weight: 23 pounds - (45.21 percentile for her age)
Height: 30.5 inches - (39.74 percentile for her age)
Head Circumference: 47 cm (18.5 inches) - (75.31 percentile for her age)
Since she finally has some teeth they were able to give her a fluoride treatment. She didn't mind it at all. She loves to brush her teeth....I'm hoping it stays like that! : )
We ended the appointment with 4 shots. 3 of the standard vaccines and then a flu shot. Poor girl did so awesome! She barely cried and as soon as the nurse brought out the sticker basket all her tears were gone! Amazing what a sparkly sticker will do!! : )
Her pediatrician said she doesn't have to go back until she's 2. We do have to go back next month so she can get a 2nd flu shot. I guess they have to do it to build up her immunities. Not looking forward to that visit!
I'm so thankful we have a healthy 16 month old!!