Sunday, January 30, 2011

"jeggings" & a baby bump pic

jeans + leggings = jeggings!

Over the holiday season I learned what jeggings are.  Ellee got a pair from her Great Aunts Lynne and Lauren.  They are super cute! Thanks Aunt Lynne and Lauren!!! : )

Baby boy bump at 20 weeks!

I'm still feeling pretty good. Feeling a little more pregnant, but not to bad.  The baby is constantly moving and I'm feeling tons of kicks!  : )

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ellee's baby BROTHER!!!

Ellee is going to be a big sister to a little BROTHER!!!  We are so excited we are having a little boy!!!  Looks like my gut feeling was correct!!! :)

Baby's first pictures...

We are so in love with our beautiful baby BOY! 
 Since Ellee looks like her Daddy... I think he looks like his Mommy!! :)
 The u/s Tech kept saying he has such a beautiful spine! :)
 YUP, definitely a BOY!!!

The u/s went so well!!  The tech that did it was so friendly and nice!  When we went in for Ellee's 20 week u/s the tech wasn't so friendly.  And we only got 2 photos that weren't that great.  This tech was amazing!  She went over everything with us and gave us so many great photos!  She kept saying what a beautiful spine he has and that he is a perfect baby boy!  He is right on track for being 20 weeks along!  We would have been so happy either way, but we are ecstatic that baby Gray #2 is a boy! :)  God had truly blessed our growing family beyond words!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Last week we noticed Ellee would say "Ewww" most times before she went #2 in her diaper. She would then make that face that told us...yeah, she's going! : ) We thought it was pretty cute, and probably a sign that it was time to think about potty training.  Shayne and I made a trip to Target and bought the toilet seat that sits right over the toilet and some training panties.  They are super cute!  We sat her on the toilet a couple of times, she didn't seem to mind sitting there, but nothing happened. : )

Yesterday afternoon Ellee was playing with her toys and all of a sudden says, "Ewww" and swishes her hand in front of her face like something was stinky.  So cute!  I immediately took her straight to the bathroom and sat her down on her new potty seat (at this point she hadn't yet gone "Ewww" in her diaper).  She sat there for a second and then made that face, the yeah she's going face. AND SHE WENT...IN THE TOILET!!!  I was so excited!!!  She was so excited!!!  It was so cute, she clapped for herself! : )  And she thought she was pretty cool because she got to flush the potty. LOL!

She may hate me when she's older for posting these... :)
 She's so stinkin' cute!!! : )

We are on our way to being out of diapers before Baby #2 is here!!! : )  I think it would be super awesome if we didn't have 2 in diapers!

Oh, and speaking of Baby #2, Tuesday is the day! We find out if we are having a little GIRL or BOY!  My gut is still telling me a BOY...  I'm kinda hoping my gut is right!  As much as I would like to break out all of Ellee's cute onesies and dresses, I think it would be so much fun to have a little BOY! : )  Either way we will be just as excited!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

wordless wednesday.

Since I have been quite the slacker in this department the past few weeks, I thought I would include 2 photos in today's wordless wednesday! :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

18 Weeks!

18 Weeks today!!  I feel like I haven't gotten any bigger since the last photo at 12 weeks.  I guess that could be a good thing?! : )
2 weeks from today we find out if this little one is a boy or girl!  My gut says it's going to be a little boy.  We will see though, my gut could be TOTALLY wrong!  I did a Facebook poll and the majority said girl. :)  
I am still completely exhausted, but I'm feeling much better these days in the morning sickness department.  I'm still wearing my own jeans, but can feel them getting tighter.  At this point when I was pregnant with Ellee I was already in maternity jeans. :)  I still feel like time is flying, we are almost halfway there! 

AND Ellee is going to be  EIGHTEEN MONTHS on FRIDAY!!!!!  This I CAN'T believe!!!  Feels like just last week she was born and just yesterday she turned ONE. Good grief will time please slow down!!  I have a feeling that it won't...

Okay, signing off for now.  I still have more posts from the holidays to post.  Hopefully I can get to that soon!!! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Okay, so it has been a few weeks since an update! Sorry about that! I promise I'll get the past few weeks events posted soon! I have some good stuff for you!

In the meantime I have a cute story for you all....

We have been working on our listening skills with Miss Ellee and have been using time out as discipline.

We were visiting my Mom this afternoon and Ellee took her cell phone. My mom asked for it back a couple times and Ellee kept doing the - here it is, then run away thing -
I said "Ellee come here and look at me!"
She did!
Then I said, "Do you want to sit in time out? You need to give Grandmom her phone back or you will sit in time out!
She looked at me then turned and gave the phone back to my mom!!!!
We were all AMAZED!!! :) It's the small things!!

Now I realize she wont listen like that all the time, but I think it is a great start! Especially since she is only 18 months! She amazes me more and more everyday! :)

And here is a photo from earlier today...hopefully this will tide ya'll over until I can get some more posted! :)

A spoonful of peanut butter, a plate full of Cheeze Its and some String Cheese!