Ellee has hit a couple huge milestones this past week! I can not believe how big Ellee is getting! It is so bittersweet! I miss my little baby girl, but it is so exciting seeing all the new things she is achieving!
About a month and a half ago we decided it was time for Ellee to start potty training, so we quit the diapers cold turkey. We had been going back and forth with wearing diapers and panties and it wasn't getting us anywhere. She would constantly have accidents and would not tell us when she had to go. At that point we were training ourselves to ask her if she had to go every 20 minutes. And that's not potty training to me! So, making the leap to completely taking the diapers away was the right decision. She has not been an easy one to train and it has taken us a good month in a half to get her where she is at, but I am one proud Mama! I can finally say she is 99% potty trained! I'm going with 99% because she still will have the occasional accident during the day {although, she has been accident free for the last 3 days!} and she doesn't sleep through the night with out accidents. She now will tell us everytime she has to go! This is so exciting for us! Probably the hardest milestone to achieve, but we did it! : ) {I'm hoping Tucker won't be so hard...}
Last night we decided it was time to turn Ellee's crib into a "Big Girl Bed". We decided it was time when we found her trying to climb in and out of her crib and we didn't want her to get hurt. She absolutly LOVES her "new" bed. She keeps calling it her, "Big Girl Bed"! She keeps asking if we want to see it and sit in it. This poses a new challenge to over come though.... We got 15 goodnight kisses from her last night before she actually laid down and went to sleep for the night. It wasn't so bad though, I don't mind all the kisses!
This morning I went into check on her and she was sleeping on the floor. Then about an hour later I hear her calling for me. I went in her room and she was sitting on her bed. It was like she didn't think she could get down with out my permission. {that could work to our advantage, haha!}
I will try and snap a picture of her in her bed in the next couple of days. My memory card is full and I haven't had a chance to upload them.
She amazes us more and more everyday! Her vocabulary is expanding and she is putting together sentences so well. She is constantly making us laugh with the things that come out of her mouth. She can count to 17 and she can sing her ABC's. She loves to sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, I'm a little Tea Pot and Row, Row, Row your Boat. She is at such a fun age and learning so much. She is amazing! ♥