It's been kind of a long week. We think
Ellee is going through a growth spurt....She has been wanting to eat like crazy and she has been a little grumpy..especially in the evenings. Friday night was interesting. We tried everything to get her to go to sleep and nothing seemed to work. She just kept crying and we had no idea why. After about 2 hours of trying to calm her down we put her in her
car seat and went for a car ride...about 2 hours later (which included a trip into Tacoma for coffee at the only 24hr coffee shop) she finally fell asleep! All that crying must have tired her out because she slept for about 4 and a half hours straight... in her carseat. :) There was no way I was risking waking her up by taking her out!
She stays awake more during the day which is nice because I think that will help her sleep longer at night. I'm trying to get her into a bedtime routine. I wake her up around 8pm if she is sleeping..then give her a a bath at about 9pm. Then I feed her...the last couple of nights I have gotten her to fall asleep around 11pm....we will see if we can continue that. Shes been sleeping about 4 hours at a time during the night.
I can't believe how much she is changing!
28 days old.

29 days old.

30 days old.

31 days old.

32 days old.

33 days old.

34 days old.
This week I am going to try and post her 365 pics each day....the key word is try...we will see if I am able to. :) Hope everyone has a great week!!
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