Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Miss Ellee is already teething!  She is showing all the signs. Chewing on her fist, drooling and really fussy.  Today has been a better day but, the past few days have been horrible.  She also has not been sleeping very well at night.  Poor girl, she  would wake up every 30 to 60 minutes during the night and just be crying.  I don't see any teeth yet but, one has to be coming soon.  I guess she is an early bird because most babies don't start teething this early.

Anyone have any tips on how to relieve the pain...other than Tylenol?


  1. hyland homeopathic teething tablets... they're tiny little pills that disolve in the baby's mouth and they are all-natural. I thought kylee was teething at a few monthes old as well, and i kept waiting for a tooth to pop through. she actually got her first tooth one week from her first birthday. But you might be right... some babies start at 4 monthes.

  2. We use Baby Oragel on Lucy's gums if she's really bothered by them. We thought she was teething around 3 months too, but it took until about 6 months for one of those little buggers to poke through on the bottom.
