After the u/s, the tech was not aloud to tell me all the details, but she did say that if there was something wrong then they would not be sending me on my way. I guess now I just wait for my midwife to call.
I'm telling myself that I'm not going to worry until I have something to worry about. And, for the most part I haven't really thought about it. I feel great, so at this point I don't think I have anything to be concerned about. Susan, one of my midwives, told me that there are many women that are on the smaller end of "normal". That has helped a lot! I was just happy I got to see him again!! Normally we would have just gotten the one u/s at 20 weeks and would then have been done. : )
The u/s tech was nice enough to print me out some more pictures of Mr. Tucker! And, I got to hear his heartbeat again! Today, it looked like he was waving at me! God's miracles are so amazing! : )
Tucker at 21 weeks & 6 days

Congratulations, he is beautiful already!