Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hanging with Penelope!

Here are some shots of Ellee and her friend Penelope!  Isn't Penelope adorable!!! : )

We had fun watching the 2 girls interact with each other!  It will be fun to see them run around together when they are a little older.

Penelope (aka Penny) & Ellee
" Here, try some of mine Penny! "
 Yum, yum dinner!!!

Ellee 365: days 273 - 279

273 days old.
 274 days old.
 275 days old.
 276 days old.
 277 days old.
 278 days old.
 279 days old.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

busy, busy bees!

I have been a bit behind in posting!  These past couple of weeks have been so busy!  I have lots to post about and I'm trying to find the time!  Stay tuned!! : )

Here are a couple preview pics:

Ellee 365: days 266 - 272

266 days old.
267 days old.
268 days old.
269 days old.
270 days old.
271 days old.
272 days old.

Friday, April 16, 2010

shopping at costco!

Yesterday, we went to Costco with my Mom and Auntie Emily.  Ellee fell asleep in the car on the way there. I thought she was going to wake up when I got her out of her car seat...but, we put her in the cart and she slept there for about 30 minutes!!  Sometimes I think that kid can sleep through anything!!  Here she is waking up:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

9 Months Old!!!

Dear Ellee Elizabeth,
I can't believe you are already nine months old!  It feels like you were born just yesterday!  Before I know it you will be graduating high school and going off to college!
So, if you would please stop growing up so fast that would be great!  Thanks!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Another new trick our not so little Ellee has learned, is to pull herself into the standing position!

So the reason for the title of this post...
Last night I put Ellee in her crib for bed. She started to cry which is normal. Ten minutes later she was still crying. So I went in to calm her down. What did I find....Miss Ellee was STANDING in her crib holding onto the edge. UH, SHAYNE!! (is what I said when I discovered her!)

Now, she has started to pull herself up on things but never in her crib. So... it is time to lower the mattress in her crib like ASAP!!!!! :)

A good job for her Daddy!! :)

9 month well exam.

Yesterday, Ellee had her 9 month well exam!  Yes, I can't believe it either!!  She will be 9 months tomorrow!  I just keep thinking that these last 9 monthes have flown by! 

Here are her current stats:
Weight: 17 lbs 8 oz - (28th percentile for her age)
Height: 26.75 inches - (25th percentile for her age)
Head Circumference: 44.5 cm - (17.52 inches) - (68th percentile for her age)

The visit went really well!  She is right where she is supposed to be.  She even demostrated her "talking" for the nurse.  The nurse had asked if she was saying any repetitive words like mamama...or dadada... I told her that her favorite was dadada...and 2 seconds later Ellee repeats dadada!  It was so funny...the nurse laughed and said Ellee got an A. : )
The appointment went pretty fast.  We like those!  The best part was NO SHOTS!!!  I was really happy about that.  I was told last time that she would be getting shots from there on out but, when they were looking at her records they said she was current on all and didn't need any more at this time.  Thank goodness!!! : )

Ellee is getting so big and her personality is really starting to come through.  It is so amazing how much they change from month to month!!  I was looking back at what she was doing when she was 6 months.  She went from barely sitting up on her own to putting herself in the sitting position, pulling her self up on things and crawling all over the place.  She is also claps and does high fives! All this and more in just 3 short months!  I wish she would slow down. LOL! : )  No, not really...we are enjoying every minute of her and all the new things she is learning!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

good morning!

We just wanted to say good morning!!!

Here is some photos I snapped of Miss Ellee drinking her breakfast and watching one of her favorite shows...Caillou! : )

We are off to get ready for her swim class now!! : )

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ellee 365: days 259 - 265

259 days old.
260 days old.
261 days old.
262 days old.
263 days old.
264 days old.
265 days old.

easter eggs.

Here are Ellee's finished eggs!

P.S. If you would like to see the rest of Ellee's Easter photos click: HERE

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Resurrection Sunday.

We started Ellee's first Easter by going to church.  We heard a wonderful sermon at Harbor Christian Center...It really made me reflect on the true meaning of Easter! 
It was Ellee's first experience going to church.  She did very well...stayed quiet for most of the sermon but, Shayne had to take her out in the hall towards the end.  I can't wait to take her back again!  I think we might try the nursery next time...I think she would love to interact with other kids!

After church we had both sets grandparents over for Easter dinner.  We had a yummy roast from the crockpot!  It was delicious.  My mom brought 2 kinds of quiche which were yummy!  Shayne's mom brought a yummy fruit salad, rolls and ANGEL FOOD CAKE WITH STRAWBERRIES AND WHIP CREAM (can you tell I LOVE that desert??!!) !!!!!!!

Ellee had so much fun coloring Easter eggs...It was her first experience with paints.  I think she liked the part where she got to be messy! I will post pictures of the finished eggs later...they are still drying. : )

"I want to play with my toys Mom!!"
The Easter Bunny left an Easter Wagon with Beach and Bath toys!!
Just being her CUTE self!!
OK Mom...I'm DONE!!! CLEAN ME UP!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

being a momma...

is SERIOUSLY the BEST job in THE ENTIRE world!!

I really could do just this job and be COMPLETELY satisfied with my life! I have been a Momma for 262 days and I would not trade any one of those days for the world!!!

Yes, motherhood is not a walk in the park.

But, there is really no words to completely describe the joy and love that being a Mom brings to my life! I know that the job of being a Mom comes with many hardships and struggles BUT, I believe that every single struggle and every hardship is COMPLETELY worth it! God has TRULY blessed me with the most amazing family! I'm so excited to see what wonderful adventures He has in store for us!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

phone calls.

Here is some video of Miss Ellee...she LOVES playing with our cells phones....

Sippy Cups!

Check out Miss Ellee!!  We have started teaching her how to use a sippy cup!   She hasn't quite mastered it yet but, she is doing pretty well with it.  Rome wasn't built in a day right!? :)  She is getting so big and learning so many new things!!!