Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ellee's first haircut!

We finally broke down and took Ellee in for her first haircut.  Well, really it was a trim.  I was not willing to have anymore than 2 inches taken off!  But, I'm glad we did because her hair looks so much healthier now!

She told us she wanted to get it cut, but once she was in the chair she wasn't really a fan. :)  Here are the pics!
 Getting her hair wet.  You can tell she's not a fan!
 The first snip

 Getting her hair dried! :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ellee's listening skills

Ok, yes I realize I have been MIA again! Sorry about that! ;)

However,I thought this was worth making the effort to blog about!

Saturday evening Ellee was having some trouble listening. We were sitting at the dinner table and she was putting her fork in her cup of milk. After repeatedly asking her to stop we asked her, "Ellee where are your listening skills?" To which she replied without missing a beat, "They're at Grandmom's house."

Shayne and I could not stop laughing! Where does she come up with these things?? She is ALWAYS making us laugh!

So today, when I dropped her off at my Mom's, Ellee's "listening skills" were waiting at the door for her! So stinking funny! I love my mom!!! :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Remembering my Dad, Day 9

I remember his warm hugs and big smiles.  Whenever I needed him he was there.  I remember his positive outlook on life.  He was always full of encouragement!  He was always there to support me in whatever I wanted to do.  I remember the nicknames he gave my brother, sisters and me.  They always made me smile and still make me smile when I think of him calling us by them.  He was so proud of all his kids and I know he still is.  I take comfort in knowing he is watching over us!  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Remembering my Dad, Day 8

I remember he was a hard worker.  He would go to work everyday and hardly ever called in sick.  He was very dedicated to his career, working at the same job for over 30 years.  He loved his job and worked really hard to support his family so my mom could stay home with us kids.
If he wasn't at work he would be working around the house, on whatever needed to be done.  He could fix pretty much everything.  I remember his rough, strong hands from doing the things he loved.
He had his own tree business where he would climb, limb and cut down trees.  That was one of his many hobbies and he loved every minute of it.  It broke his heart when he had to give that up.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Remembering my Dad, Day 7

I remember my Dad was very involved in the community.  He volunteered and knew everyone.  Anywhere we went he was running into someone he knew.
He would help anyone in need with out expecting anything in return.  He loved to serve.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Remembering my Dad, Day 6

I remember he loved living and working our farm.  It was his dream for many years to have a big piece of property where he could have any animal he wanted.  We had, cows, chickens, pigs, horses, turkeys, sheep, goats, ducks, dogs, cats.  The list goes on, we had a farm.  And he loved to be outside with all the animals.
I remember he loved to garden.  Every year he would have a huge garden.  We would always complain because he wanted us to help weed it.  Now I wish I had spent more time out there weeding with him.  He would give all the fresh veggies away to anyone who wanted them.
He loved his farm.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Remembering my Dad, Day 5

I remember his love of ice-cream.  He would have a huge bowl of ice-cream every night.  We would get him to give us bites! {Maybe that's why he would always make himself such a big bowl. : )}
I remember for every birthday and holiday he would make his famous home-made ice-cream.  We loved to stand outside and watch him while he made it.  His ice-cream was the best!  Everyone loved his ice-cream!
I remember his Donald Duck impression.  He was always making us laugh with it.
I remember his whistling.  He was always whistling.  He could whistle any song and his favorites to whistle were old hymns he would hear on Sunday.
I remember tractor rides.  One year when it snowed he made a make shift sled and towed us and our friends around behind the tractor.  Our Dad was so much fun!  

Saturday, February 4, 2012

She's a big girl!

Ellee has hit a couple huge milestones this past week!  I can not believe how big Ellee is getting!  It is so bittersweet!  I miss my little baby girl, but it is so exciting seeing all the new things she is achieving!

About a month and a half ago we decided it was time for Ellee to start potty training, so we quit the diapers cold turkey.  We had been going back and forth with wearing diapers and panties and it wasn't getting us anywhere.  She would constantly have accidents and would not tell us when she had to go.  At that point we were training ourselves to ask her if she had to go every 20 minutes. And that's not potty training to me!  So, making the leap to completely taking the diapers away was the right decision.  She has not been an easy one to train and it has taken us a good month in a half to get her where she is at, but I am one proud Mama!  I can finally say she is 99% potty trained!  I'm going with 99% because she still will have the occasional accident during the day {although, she has been accident free for the last 3 days!} and she doesn't sleep through the night with out accidents.  She now will tell us everytime she has to go!  This is so exciting for us!  Probably the hardest milestone to achieve, but we did it! : ) {I'm hoping Tucker won't be so hard...}

Last night we decided it was time to turn Ellee's crib into a "Big Girl Bed".  We decided it was time when we found her trying to climb in and out of her crib and we didn't want her to get hurt. She absolutly LOVES her "new" bed.  She keeps calling it her, "Big Girl Bed"!  She keeps asking if we want to see it and sit in it.  This poses a new challenge to over come though.... We got 15 goodnight kisses from her last night before she actually laid down and went to sleep for the night.  It wasn't so bad though, I don't mind all the kisses!
This morning I went into check on her and she was sleeping on the floor.  Then about an hour later I hear her calling for me.  I went in her room and she was sitting on her bed.  It was like she didn't think she could get down with out my permission. {that could work to our advantage, haha!}
I will try and snap a picture of her in her bed in the next couple of days.  My memory card is full and I haven't had a chance to upload them.

She amazes us more and more everyday!  Her vocabulary is expanding and she is putting together sentences so well.  She is constantly making us laugh with the things that come out of her mouth.  She can count to 17 and she can sing her ABC's.  She loves to sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, I'm a little Tea Pot and Row, Row, Row your Boat.  She is at such a fun age and learning so much.  She is amazing! 

Remembering my Dad, Day 4

I remember my Dad took Shayne and I  on our first real date.  We went to Safeco Field to watch a Mariner's game.  Most girls wouldn't have wanted their Dad on their first date, but I look back at that and smile and feel thankful that he was there.
I remember when Shayne asked him for my hand in marriage, he gave his blessing without hesitation!  He loved Shayne like his own son!
I remember him standing at the bottom of the balcony stairs waiting to take my hand to walk me down the aisle.  He was so excited for me to start a new journey with Shayne as my husband.  Oh I wish he were here to see his grandchildren, but I know that he is watching over all of us!  

Friday, February 3, 2012

Remembering my Dad, Day 3

I remember he loved our God with all his heart. He was a Deacon at the church I grew up in.  He spent hours running the sound board for worship and sermons.  His bible was is full of highlights, underlines and papers of sermon notes.  He encouraged me to spend the year after I graduated at bible school and I'm so thankful for that!  He loved coming to visit me in Cannon Beach.  I'm so thankful he will be waiting for me at the Pearly Gates, with our Heavenly Father! 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Remembering my Dad, Day 2

I remember his love of sports, especially baseball.
He spent endless hours down at the Key Peninsula Little League field, coaching, umping and volunteering.
He spent hours coaching my brother and never missed one of his games.  He was so proud of him!

I can't remember exactly why my brother's high school team got to shave his head, but I think it's because they won a big game. :)
Sporting his famous "Rally Cap" at one of my brother's games

He kept a very detailed log on my brother in-laws stats. {I'm sure he is still keeping his log up there in heaven!}
This is after one of Jason's games, he had a ball watching him play!

He never missed a Mariner's game.  He loved to watch the game on mute and blast the radio because he preferred listening to Dave Niehaus instead of the TV anouncers.  I can still hear him yelling, "My, oh my!", "Swung on and belted!" and his favorite, "Get out the rye bread and mustard, Grandma, it is grand salami time!"

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Remembering my Dad, Day 1

Every year I dread the month of February {especially the first 11 days} and want to fast forward right through it. It reminds me of the passing of my Dad and that he is no longer here on earth with us.
This year being the 5 year anniversary, I've decided to reflect on all the wonderful memories I have of him.  So, for the next 11 days I will post memories.  Things I remember, loved and still love about my Dad.  He was a wonderful man and father and I miss him more and more everyday.  I treasure every single memory I have of him, good and bad.  I'm so thankful and blessed for the time I had with him!  So here goes....

Day 1

I remember all his corny jokes, especially his favorite April fools joke, half mustache, half beard.  He did this a number of times!
I remember his pull my finger trick and his endless blonde jokes.
Life growing up with him as my Dad was never a dull moment and I know he is up there in heaven making everyone laugh! ♥

Monday, January 23, 2012

puddle stompin'

Yesterday, when I checked the mail there was a special treat addressed to Miss Ellee!  Auntie Emily & Uncle Jason had sent her a package!  Ellee got so excited!  Inside she found a new rain coat and a Nike fleece jacket! SO CUTE!  She was especially excited about the rain coat!  She LOVES playing in the rain!  So of course we had to put the rain coat on and take it for a test drive! : )

Headed out!
 Stomp, Stomp!
 Having so much fun! : )
 LOVE my Ellee!

Here is some video!  It is hard to hear her, but she is singing, "I can playing my puddle, I can playing my puddle"!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

on the move.

OH Boy!!  We are in trouble now!  In the last week or so, Tucker has started moving himself backwards while on his tummy!  He is also trying so hard to get himself onto both his hands and knees!  Our little boy is growing up so fast! : )

He started out over on his play mat with all the toys!
 Working so hard to get those knees up!
I guess he wanted to play with his basketball hoop instead of with the toys on his mat!
 On the move again!
 So close!
 All this scooting is tuckering him out!!  BIG YAWN!
 Here we go again!
 Happy boy!

Here is some video of Tucker trying to crawl!

snow day.

Tuesday night the weather channel kept saying we were going to get snow.  I didn't really think much of it because they had been saying that for a week.  To my surprise when I woke up Wednesday morning we had about 4-5 inches of beautiful white stuff covering every inch of our yard!
Ellee's play toy in our backyard!
 Shayne's truck didn't leave our driveway for 3 days!
 Tucker in the swing at my work
 Even in the snow he smiles!
 David and Tucker!
 So Beautiful.
 Since Shayne didn't have to go to work he and Ellee went over to his parents house to play while I was at work!
 Trying to get Daddy to help her get Grandpa Scott up!
 Going to throw a snowball at Grandpa Scott!
 Mmmm, Yummy snow!
 Grandpa Scott attempting to bury Ellee!  Doesn't look like she minds much!
 Running from Grandpa!
 They had so much fun!  I was stuck at work ALL day!  Wish I could have been there! : )

As much fun as the snow is to play in, we are definitely ready for it to be gone!  Thursday it rained freezing rain all day!  Was not fun to drive in or play in.  The power went out Thursday evening and was off most of the day Friday. We are so thankful for our generator and wood stove. We stayed nice and warm!  There are lots of branches and ice everywhere!  I will be glad when we completely thaw out!  I'm ready for spring! : )