Tuesday, May 24, 2011

missing socks?

Just thought I would share this great idea I came across.  I'm not even sure where I heard about it, but it is genius!
I don't know about you... but, I don't know how many times I have washed Ellee's clothes and gone to fold them and the washer or dryer (not sure which is the culprit) has eaten one or two or three of her socks, leaving only one of a pair.

I have discovered a solution! 


As you throw the dirty clothes in the hamper, just put the socks in a lingerie bag!  When you do the load of laundry throw the bag in with and WALLAH! ALL the socks are in one place!  The washer or dryer can't eat them because the are trapped! : )

Last night I put 11 pairs of socks in this handy lingerie bag and when the laundry was done I had, count 'em, 11 pairs of socks!!! : )
I wish I had discovered this idea sooner!!!  I might have been able to rescue more pairs of socks! Hehe! : )


  1. That's what I do! Works wonders... I give them to all my friends at baby showers now too

  2. GREAT IDEA!!! I love the idea of giving them as gifts at a baby shower too!
